MEFA is a spin-off of the Ecological Research as Education Network (EREN).


The Macrosystems Ecology For All Research Coordination Network (MEFA) is a welcoming community of faculty in teaching-focused positions to gain the training necessary to become full participants in macrosystems science. We develop collaborative, multi-institution projects that address macrosystems questions, use existing environmental datasets, and serve as vehicles for teaching undergraduate students macrosystems concepts and data science. 

Participation in MEFA includes access to in-person and virtual events.

These events allow investigators to expand small-scale, single-site studies into distributed projects that address cross-scale research questions. MEFA participants may lead a study or join projects led by others. Training topics include data science relevant to macrosystems analyses, network building, protocol and systems development, and more. Please join us in bringing macrosystems ecology to the undergraduate classroom and research lab!

MEFA’s webpages are currently under construction. Thanks for your patience while we work behind the scenes. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions.



The MEFA RCN is governed by both a Network Management Team and a Network Advisory Team.

Network Management Team (NMT)

The NMT is a broadly-trained group of nine ecologists from a range of personal backgrounds and institutions. The NMT has the ultimate responsibility for implementing RCN activities and leads RCN administration with extensive guidance and input from the NAT. 

  • Dr. Laurel Anderson, Ohio Wesleyan University (Chair, PI)
  • Dr. Matt Heard, Belmont University (co-PI)
  • Dr. Kristy Hopfensperger, Northern Kentucky University (co-PI)
  • Dr. Mary Beth Kolozsvary, Siena College (co-PI)
  • Dr. Sara Scanga, Utica University (co-PI)
  • Dr. Tracy Gartner, Carthage College
  • Dr. Jose-Luis Machado, Swarthmore College 
  • Dr. Tim McCay, Colgate University
  • Dr. Andrew McCall, Denison University


Network Advisory Team (NAT)

The NAT is composed of scientists with expertise in a range of areas relevant to MEFA’s goals. The members of the NAT help the RCN set short-term goals, ensure that priorities are addressed, collaborate on design of network activities, and share their expertise while engaging at network events. 

  • Dr. Matthew Aiello-Lammens, Pace University 
  • Dr. Robbie Burger, University of Kentucky
  • Dr. Barry Logan, Bowdoin College
  • Dr. Claire Lunch, NEON
  • Dr. Sparkle Malone, Yale University
  • Dr. Charles Jason Tinant, Oglala Lakota College