PFPP Protocols and Datasheets

Permanent Forest Plot Establishment and Vegetation Inventory Protocols

Attention: An updated version of the PFPP Protocols (1.06) was uploaded on Aug. 24, 2014. Please contact Karen Kuers if you have any problems with the latest version. Note that there have been some variable changes (Plot, Tree, and Small Stem) for the online Database, and the newest CSV tree and small stem templates are needed to upload data.

(Note: The protocols are still being improved and updated. Please contact Karen Kuers with any problems you encounter, or suggestions you have to enhance the format. We would also like to hear your success stories, and would love to hear from anyone trying out the protocols with students. Thanks!  Aug. 24, 2014)

Link to:   Frequently Asked Questions


Latest Version:      1.06 (August 2014) – Changes from previous version (1.05)

1.05 (July 30, 2012) – Changes from previous version (1.04)



EREN PFPP Complete Protocols includes a single pdf file that contains all of the Protocols. The datasheets and all of the appendices need to be downloaded separately.  (Pdf files will open in a new tab and can be downloaded to your desktop.)

EREN PFPP Complete Protocol (w/o Datasheets, and Appendices) Version 1.06 (Aug 30, 2014)

The Site and Plot Variables pdf includes only a description of the data entered on the Site and Plot Data Form. 

EREN PFPP Site and Plot Variables Only – Version 1.06 (Aug 30,  2014)

The Tree and Small Stem Variables pdf includes only a description of the data entered in the Tree Inventory Form and the Small Stem Inventory Form.

EREN PFPP Tree and Small Stem Variables Only – Version 1.06 (Aug 30, 2014)

Appendices I-III include instructions for using the web to obtain soil classification information and forest area, as well as methodology for optional soil procedures. These Appendices are included in the Complete version, but not in the Protocols Only version.

Appendix I: Using the Web to Determine Soil Order

Appendix II: Measurement of Optional Soil Properties (St. Olaf)

Appendix III: Using the Web to Calculate Forest Area


Appendices IV, VI, and VII, are handouts that can be taken to the field to augment information included in the protocols. These Appendices are included in the Complete version, but not in the Protocols Only version. Even if you download the Complete version you may find it useful to have separate copes of one or more of these for field use.

Appendix IV: Picture Guide to Percent Cover Estimation

Appendix VI: Guide to Measuring Tree DBH

Appendix VII: Guide for Determining Stem Soundness

Appendix V contains a list of species and abbreviation codes . The codes will be needed to input data into the online database.  The list is viewable through your web browser, and also as a downloadable excel file. The file includes species from across North America, and is thus quite long. You may wish to download the full excel file, create a shorter list which only includes species found in your area, and then print and take your local version to the woods. (If you find that some of your species are not included in the list, please email a list of those species to Karen Kuers so that they can be added to the list.) Appendix V is not included in the Complete version of the protocol and must be downloaded separately. (Note: The Database will only accept file uploads in which all of the species listed match species codes included in this list.)

Note: When uploading small stem data, use the species code “NO_STEMS” in subplots that lack small stems, and enter a tally of 0 stems.

Appendix V: List of Species Abbreviation Codes (Last update: 31 July 2013)(excel version)

Appendix V: List of Species Abbreviation Codes (Last Update: 31 July 2013) (web version)


Appendix VIII is a handout that would be useful if you are mapping tree locations. It includes diagrams of the plot layout on which tree locations can be physically mapped in the woods (or later in the lab). It is included with the Complete protocol download.

Appendix VIII: Blank 20×20 m Plot Diagrams for Field Mapping 

Bailey’s Ecoregions      (Link to page listing names of Domains, Divisions, and Provinces to be used in the online database. It also includes links to descriptions of each of the Provinces.)




PFPP Online Database  –  This link will take you to the online database where you can upload your data and query data that has been entered online.


Please contact Karen Kuers to request user access to the PFPP Database. For information on the data entry process, see the section below entitled ” EREN DATA – Permanent Forest Plot Database Information Page”.  The first time you access the database it would be useful to refer to the “First time here? Read this” section for additional information.



EREN DATA – Permanent Forest Plot Database Information Page- This page provides detailed information on uploading and querying data. This information is also included on pages 28-31 in the Complete Protocol.


Data Entry Forms

Site and Plot Indoor Data Form pdf (30 Aug 2014)

Plot Outdoor Data Form pdf (30 Aug 2014)

Tree Inventory Data Form Version 1 pdf (30 Aug 2014)

Tree Inventory Data Form Version 2 pdf (30 Aug 2014) 
 (CSV Template for Tree Data)

Small Stem Inventory Data Form pdf (30 Aug 2014)
—— (CSV Template for Small Stem Data)

Teacher Resources
  (Link to Educational Applications Page)

Data Assurance and Quality Control Instructions — (Main author: Kathleen LoGiudice, Union College)(Data Quality Assurance Example – excel)

Suggested Student Assignments and PFPP Grading Rubrics — (Main authors: Erin Lindquist, Meredith College and Jerald Dosch, Macalester College)

Group Work Ground Rules and Contract — (Main author: Jerald Dosch, Macalester College)

Group Work Peer Evaluations — (Main author: Jerald Dosch, Macalester College)




Updated June 17, 2018 by KKuers