Code of Conduct

The Ecological Research as Education Network (EREN) is dedicated to providing an inclusive and welcoming experience for everyone who engages with our organization, regardless of any aspect of their personal identity, including but not limited to gender, gender identity and expression, age, career stage, sexual orientation, disability status, mental health, physical appearance, race, ethnicity, religious faith, political affiliation, marital status, parental status, or socioeconomic background. We do not tolerate harassment or bullying in any form. Sexual language and imagery are not appropriate for any professional or social event where EREN is represented, including field work, lab work, meetings, conference calls, talks, workshops, social gatherings, social media, and other communication media. EREN participants violating these standards may be sanctioned or expelled from an EREN event without a refund at the discretion of the event organizers. In addition, EREN expects all participants to engage in EREN projects and events using the highest standards of professional integrity in terms of transparent and honest presentation of scientific methods, data, and results, respect for intellectual property rights, and appropriate acknowledgement of all contributors in group projects. EREN also believes in supportive and constructive critique among scientists, and we encourage researchers to seek collaboration on shared interests rather than competition. Anyone observing someone who is not adhering to these code of conduct standards is encouraged to contact the EREN Board of Directors at, or an individual member of the Board if more discretion is needed, using contact information available at our Contact Us page.


Note: Some of this text was adapted from this online source: