Education Resources

Click links below to find useful apps and programs submitted by EREN members. This site will be updated as new materials are submitted. If you have an app or suggestion for this page please send an email to

App Links and Information:
Budburst – Phenology site with an ‘app’ for teaching and research.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning – A resource of educational web tools and mobile apps for teachers and educators.

EpiCollect – Free app site for the development of your own ‘app’ with pull down menus to build the app and ability to export data to excel.  Simultaneously develops Android, iPhone and web apps.  This is a great free app that would allow your students to develop their own apps for class projects. Some examples built by members below:

1. Roadkill and Wildlife Blitz APP by Danielle Garneau (see instructions below)

  • I attended an EREN meeting (Ecological Research as Education Network) and learned of the Epicollect app. This app is a base for building project forms to suit your research needs. I came back and excitedly created one for roadkill and live wildlife sightings (nature hiking). I am including instructions on DROID and iPhone install of these apps so you can pass them along to colleagues and friends. The first thing to do is download epicollect from the app stores on your phones and then load in my projects: Roadkill Garneau and Wildlife BlitzGarneau. I am excited to use this in the classroom and as part of my research. SPREAD THE WORD and start collecting on the citizen science project! It will be so exciting to see sightings from all over the country! Thanks and contact me with any questions!
  • Epicollect IPhone Instructions
  • Epicollect Droid Instructions

ESRI Apps – Mobile apps that allow you to collect geospatial data from your smartphone.

Nature’s Notebook Mobile Apps – Mobile apps for data entry are now available for iPhone and Android. Download them from iTunes or the Google Play Store! We recommend that you get your sites, plants, and animals set up using a computer and browser, and use the app primarily to facilitate data entry in the field (skip the datasheet step). If you downloaded a beta version, please uninstall it and get the newest release from the app stores. Once you’ve downloaded it, the app will point you to our website, so you can log in. You will be then directed to the OAuth page, where you should click “Grant Access”. Happy (mobile) observing!